Introducing AKESO:
On-Body Delivery System for Drug Delivery in Contested Environments

The combination of AKESO and BB106 is designed to provide non-opioid pain management on the battlefield. AKESO also provides multiple use cases for CBRN response with applications to DARPA and ARPA-H scenarios.

Wearable on-body-delivery-system (AKESO) analyzed during U.S. military training exercises in
August 2023 (Northern Strike) and July 2024 (Tenacious Dragon 2):

Read the Press Release→
akeso device
Ease of Use:
Stick it, Activate, Move on
Connectivity & Data Exchange: Logistical Advantage
Potential for Additional Medications and Features
Administer in Seconds. Potentially >25x Faster Deployment
Eliminates IV Delivery Errors in “fog of war”​
Greatly Enhanced Mobility​
Less than 150g
> 10x Lighter
Agile Combat Deployment​
Faster Administration

Three major factors for replacing IV administration with AKESO™.

Bexson's dual technologies (novel formulation and wearable delivery) reduce complexity and the need for heavy saline while also improving delivery timeframes and therapy options.

AKESO has the potential to replace battlefield IV delivery and can decrease the 15+ complex steps fraught with potential error-points with an innovative “stick it, activate and move on” subcutaneous administration

Our solutions decrease weight, initiate pain therapy more rapidly, and provide drug delivery for Prolonged Field Care that is faster, lighter, and requires minimal training.

Additional Therapeutic Options via Military Partnerships

Transitioning IV delivery to a wearable device is possible because of Bexson's patented chemistry platform.​

BB106 – Ketamine​

Ketamine API via IV is a TCCC current solution​​

BB605 – Naloxone

Steady-state delivery
innovation protects against weaponized aerosol opioids​

BB90X – TXA Tranexamic Acid

​Currently IV delivered


Prevent infection​
Dashboard mockup
Future Innovation Potential Generation 2: 
Connect to Patient Tracking and Logistics integration

Battlefield Monitoring and Communication

Contested environments will require mobile tools for battlefield patient care.

AKESO has the potential to transmit data and greatly improve warfighter monitoring throughout the continuum of care.